The Dalles Roads

role: everything, including writing, web design, content strategy, photos, CMS, and extensive cycling

You ever get, like, obsessed with something?

Happens to me all the time. I think about something for a day or a week or a month, scheme up a project, or a business, or a book, or a new career. Then I shelve it for awhile and see if it comes back.

My obsession with The Dalles never went away.

The riding is just too good. Every new ride had me coming home and staring at the map to see what other roads I could connect to the next time. I started a spreadsheet with notes on each road, rating them on a subjective scale, and listing the roads I needed to ride in the future.

I had the idea to write a guidebook—the kind of thing with some dorky old guy on the back cover, published in 1996, collecting dust at Powell’s. But I decided it would be a lot more useful as a website with photo galleries and GPS data.

I spent considerable time on this resource, considering its reach. But I’m confident The Dalles will soon take off as the next hot international destination for gravel cycling.

* This website was featured in Check it out.