BCI Group came to Conveyor asking for help telling their story. They had great clients and excellent relationships, but their website did little to distinguish them among the bland crop of consultant sites. So Conveyor recommended a new website with client storytelling it its heart. Conveyor set about interviewing clients — shooting professional video and photo to provide the visual assets that would adorn the forthcoming site. Then they brought me on for the nitty-gritty: drafting, editing and aggregating all of the pages, from services copy to button copy to title tag copy. I didn't write the client stories, but I got my hands on every page of this site one way or another. I spent so much time in the CMS that I turned into the de facto content manager (which I genuinely loved!).
The website was Conveyor's big push for BCI at the end of 2014, but BCI was also a retainer client. As part of my duties for BCI Group, I also wrote or edited many of the company's blogs, wrote or edited the company's internal newsletter, wrote and managed the company's promotional email program, and managed the company's social media communities.